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“It’s really uplifting to work on a show like this, but that’s not to negate the fact that lots of queer stories have complexity in them and have nuance and are about transgression. “It’s a proud celebration of how wholesome and pure-hearted queer love can be, and how love can be, because love is love across any sexuality,” Lyn says. I had to marry my first response to the script which was to fall in love with these characters and think about what fans might want to see, but also how you find drama in a romantic relationship and bring it to the screen.” “I went through in a page-turner kinda way because they were so captivating and magnetic, and then I read the graphic novel and realised how loved and celebrated and passionate the fans already were about them.

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“I hadn’t come across the graphic novel and the first thing I read of Heartstopper was the script for episode one,” Lyn admits. As a gay man and a strong progressive voice he carries the perfect pedigree to bring this show to life on screen for the very first time. He’s dabbled in Daredevil, Broadchurch, Sherlock, Black Mirror, His Dark Materials, and is now the sole director for Heartstopper. Lyn’s career is an extensive one, having directed portions of Christopher Eccleston and David Tennant’s tenures as Doctor Who while also working on its adult spin-off Torchwood alongside Russell T.

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